We have included a downloadable media kit for your convenience.
It includes the following:

  • Contact Information
  • Links to social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and more.
  • A CV
  • A brief biography
  • Profile picture samples and links to high resolution images










Should you require more information or have any questions please contact Nadim Majid directly via the contact information contained within the Media Kit.

Media Kit conditions of use
The media kit contains photos, images and information owned by Nadim Majid.  By accessing the material you accept the following terms and conditions: (1) Do no digitally alter photos, images or videos for publication or reproduction (2) photos, images or videos which are used for publication require the acknowledgement of Nadim Majid as the source of the material or the organization that authorized the use of the material to Nadim Majid. (3) Do not sub-licence, resell or make any photos, images or videos available for separate downloading (4) Do not use photos, images or videos in any defamatory or illegal manner, or contrary to the interests of Nadim Majid or the organization that authorized the use of the material to Nadim Majid (5) Do not use photos, images or videos in a manner that represents the use or endorsement of a product or service, or to make a false association with other organizations.

Please note that you must contact Nadim Majid prior to publishing or distributing the information contained within the media kit.